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This Curse: (The Grace Allen Series Book 2 Paranormal Romance) Page 14
This Curse: (The Grace Allen Series Book 2 Paranormal Romance) Read online
Page 14
“So, what is your answer? Do you wish to see your friend returned?”
I was nervous. I knew that a deal with the devil was just that, a deal with the devil. The worst deal any creature could make. I looked at him. “If I say no? If I tell you that, I won’t make a deal with you? What then?”
He tilted his head back, and then he looked down at me, his eyes focused on mine with unnerving intensity. I shifted my stance nervously.
“I will not force you into anything, but could you really allow your friend to die?” he nodded toward a dark corner. “And Look,” I followed the direction of his gaze and noticed a large mass lying in the corner. I sucked in my breath Seth was there. His long black hair was matted to his head. I felt my mind scream. He looked no more alive than Lucian.
“I think the hybrid is leaving you.” Lucifer shook his head. “Pity.” He sighed dramatically.
“They are both almost dead and you could stop it.” I looked at him and curled my lip, “Let’s not forget, that they’re almost dead because of you. Now, please, I know it’s beyond you, but damn it! Is it even possible for you to be straight with anyone? Ever?
He smiled, showing his perfect teeth.
I sighed, “What do you want from me, really?”
He chuckled. “Spell it out for you, you mean? Well, I suppose I could explain. Tell me, do you like stories?”
My heart sank. “No, not really, the last one changed my life in a pretty fucked up way.” I folded my arms, ready for another dip into fairytale land.
He took my hand; hot fingers surrounded mine in a firm unyielding grip. I was facing him; his blue eyes were spinning, drawing me deep inside, and taking me under.
I fell.
The air was clean and crisp. I was lying on the grass gazing into the sky. It was amazing, bursting with billions upon billions of stars, so bright and astonishing that I was utterly overwhelmed.
“What planet is this?” I whispered.
“Earth, my darling, only we are here before pollution and technology. We are here before electric lights and the poison of modern man.” He sounded amused, “This is someplace very special.” Lucifer still clasped my hand in his. It was warm and soft. I tried to pull away, but he was in control and I had lost all desire to fight. Plus, I had to admit to myself, that I was curious.
He stood, pulling me up beside him. I looked at him for the first time since falling into his eyes. He was magnificent. His short military short hair was much longer now and flowed down his back in beautiful waves. He wore a beige tunic that was belted with little golden squares all linked together. His leggings were linen and looked perfectly hand stitched. I met his eyes and saw desire. It was false, the same as everything here.
“You are a vision. I should have known what you were at first sight, I feel the fool.” He placed his overly warm hand on the small of my back and I sighed.
“Let’s just get on with it, do you mind?”
“No, not at all, my lady,” he pushed me along a grassy path.
We walked for a long time, the grass eventually giving way to a dirt path. The sun began to peek its fiery head above the horizon shining a beautiful orange glow upon a small camp.
“Hey, Lu, where are we anyway?” my hand was still a prisoner in his and I tugged on it again.
“You need to stay with me. This is going to be a lot for you to handle, I think. But then, you did just call The Prince of Darkness Lu… So perhaps this will fail to impress you.” He laughed a low chuckle deep in his chest. “I think I like you, Angel.”
“Just knock it off, would you?” I sighed, tiredly. “My name is Grace. I’m not your darling and I’m most definitely not an angel, so just quit, alright?” I pleaded.
He stopped walking. We were on a small rise just about a mile from the camp. He took my face in his hands. “You, my angel, are so much more than you realize. He turned me so that I faced the camp. “You see that town?” His voice whispered, close to my ear. “Tell me Grace, how badly would you like to see where you came from?”
My palms broke out in a cool sweat as he spoke.
“What would you do if I said that the Madea make up that town down there?”
I froze, my breath trapped in my lungs. “What?” I choked out, “How?” I spun and goggled at him.
“Come,” he pulled me “I want you to see.” I moved quickly alongside his tall body as we ran.
The village was nothing more than a few dozen huts all situated around a small well.
“The Madea live here?” I looked around completely shocked at the sparse living conditions.
Lucifer snorted and I turned, surprised at such an inelegant sound. “Your kind was very thick headed.” He sneered, “This is their self proclaimed punishment for allowing their powers to be abused by men. They feel they deserve no finery or luxury. Only what is needed to survive.”
I watched his face, his lip curled as he looked around the meager expanse. “Pathetic, isn’t it? As if it was truly their fault. What a waste of power. Nothing but a sad bunch of whining do-gooders terrified to truly live.”
I closed my eyes at his words, so familiar to me. It seemed the feelings I had were pretty common among my kind. I didn’t think it was pathetic, only a little sad, and depressing.
We stopped a few yards from a small hut. “What will I say to them?” A crazy feeling of euphoria filled my body. Dang, I had no idea just how badly I wanted to see my own kind.
I turned and looked at his profile as he gazed around the village. This was so surreal. I was in a Madea village with Lucifer! He was truly like no other man I had ever seen. He was evil, wrapped in a pretty bow. Lust and temptation oozed from his pores, even with his seductive lure muted, his physical allure was still pretty damn powerful. He was a man who could tempt. He was the ultimate bad boy. The bad boy. I would need to watch this one like a hawk. There was no room for mistakes with him.
No giving in.
He finally turned his blue eyes to me. “Did that internal dialog make you feel more secure? You feel fortified and we may proceed, now?” One side of his mouth lifted in a small smile. “And you needn’t worry about what you will say to them. We aren’t really here, Grace. I’m only showing you shadows of the past. They can not see us and we won’t be able to interfere in anything.”
I smirked. "Hmm, then when I wake up I’ll understand the true meaning of Christmas?”
“Are you always like this?” He grumbled as he pulled my arm. I stumbled after him frowning. He led me to the center of the small village and I realized that it really was beautiful in its simplicity. Tidy little huts lined the narrow dirt road that we had traveled. The well was made of stone and beautifully carved wood. It had a very large opening with a thick rim, large enough to sit upon.
I turned around, taking in all I could of the scenery. Then I froze. My heart sped up and my hands were pools of sweat.
They were really here!
I took a small step toward them. They were talking companionably as they approached the well. I stared as they gathered water. Two women, two Madea! They wore simple white sheath dresses. I felt a small tear slide down my cheek as I examined every inch of them. Their hair resembled mine in so many ways copper and silver strands of shining metallic silk. The only difference was that their hair didn’t dance and sway like Medusa’s snakes.
I was suddenly frantic and I turned to Lucifer, ready to say screw it all, just let them see me! But his eyes were locked in another direction. He looked pained and I stopped and followed the direction of his gaze.
My breath caught. I put my hand on my chest, desperate to keep my heart from bursting through my ribcage.
I was walking towards us!
She, or me was approaching our ghostly bodies. She wore the same simple white dress as the other two; only she seemed to have something extra. Her hair was the same as the others and her skin was just as pale. But there was something. She seemed to glow more.
“My love.
You have come.” she yelled and broke into a run.
Oh, I smiled, that something extra was the glow of love.
I turned to see her throw herself into the arms of… Oh my God, no! I felt my jaw drop as she spun in the arms of Lucifer from the past.
The Lucifer from my time was standing close to me. His face a mask of indifference, but I saw his eyes, in that small moment, I saw him feel and that scared the holy shit out of me.
“Her name is Mariee.” He spoke without looking at me. “She is the eldest of her sisters and the leader of the Madea.” He cleared his throat and faced me finally. “She is the most powerful, yet…” He looked at them, “she believed I was a human soldier. You see the battles are heading their way and I knew what they would do if their powers were threatened again. I knew that the noble Madea would cease, and I could not permit that.” He shook his head as he looked at me. “But it seems I had no need to worry. Now come.”
I looked for the couple but they had disappeared. “You said no Madea would go to Hell, but didn’t they all commit suicide? Shouldn’t they all be in Hell?” I was sick at that thought but it quickly fled when the devil sneered.
“Legends can become so foolish and romantic.” He walked to a nearby hut and pulled me with him through the small door. “They never killed themselves. They all went into the ring, Grace. Now they are all inside you.” He shook his head, apparently annoyed with not only the useless sacrifice, but my ignorance as well. “They were pure, not stupid. Mariee most especially as it turned out.”
“No, way. Impossible.” I sputtered and tried to meet his eyes. They all went into the ring?” I whispered in awe, afraid to believe him. He avoided my gaze and stood off to the side of the door. I mirrored his movements. “I don’t believe you. Aren’t you sort of famous for lying?” I folded my arms. “I’m sure it somehow suits your purposes to tell me such outrageous lies, I only wish I knew what your agenda really was.” I glared.
He huffed out his breath and turned to me, his face had twisted into hard angry lines and he grabbed me, his long fingers dug into my arms. Alarmed, I struggled to pull away and he snarled, his blue eyes bled to red. I jerked in fright as he hauled me close and smashed his mouth down onto mine.
My body exploded into flames as he devoured my lips, my tongue was somehow in his mouth, and I screamed inside my mind. Every cell in my body burned with his fire. He was all that was hunger, all that was lust, hate, death, and life. I tried to breathe, tried to pull away as I pulled him closer. I could feel my hands desperately gripping his shoulders, the back of his head.
“Mariee,” his hot breath whispered into my mouth. I felt my mouth moving, forming words that were foreign to my tongue. An ancient language my soul knew by heart. I was full of love and longing. He was my world, my entire life. I knew nothing of love until him.
“Seran.” His ancient name left my lips in a whisper of sadness as we broke the kiss. I looked into his eyes, my mind fully aware of our shared past. The past he and Mariee shared. It was a part of me the same as she was a part of me.
I staggered back, “What was that?” I asked, my voice trembling.
“Your proof.” He stated simply.
My knees trembled. “Okay, I believe you.” I admitted. He was telling the truth, for once. I felt her and with that knowledge, I knew that I had always felt her. I felt the others as well in voices and thoughts. Guiding my heart and staying my hand. Maybe my powers did come with an instruction manual. I looked up at him.
“Why are we here?” I searched his face, His lips were swollen and pink from my touch, and I wanted to slap him for making me feel anything for him. “What is all of this?”
“Patience, Grace.”
The flap to the hut opened and Mariee ran in, her face red. Fat tears fell from her eyes as she threw herself to the floor of the hut and wept. Another woman entered, speaking quickly in that strange tongue that I had spoken only moments before. I looked up at Lucifer “What are they saying?”
He shook his head. “You already know, just let it in.”
I huffed at him and folded my arms. When I turned back around, I thought how nice it would be if I could understand, then he could go and suck it! Of course, after that thought, all of their words were clear as crystal.
Know it all.
She was crying over him. Well crap, here we go.
“He is lying to you. He will not protect us from the men. He is here to take you away. I have seen it; he is not what he seems.” She ran her hand gently over Mariee’s hair. Her love for her sister was deep. “Please, we must leave. My sight has told me that the horses are only a day away. They will force us this time, Mariee. I see violence and lust. Please. They know we see their lies.”
Mariee sat up slowly and held her sisters hands in hers. “I know, Ryan. I know what you say is true, I have felt something inside of him, but all this time I chose to trust him. I would have given him my soul, he would have become so much more than a man, he would have become my mate.”
“He deserves no such gift!” Ryan scolded. “I sense intense darkness in him. I fear what he would do if gifted with that kind of power.”
Fresh tears ran from Mariee’s face, her body shook with her sobs as she and her sister held each other.
I turned to glare at Lucifer for being such a lying ass-hat, but the look on his face stopped me cold. He appeared sad and I folded my arms, remembering who he was.
“So, the father of lies is supposed to have a heart? Nice try, you almost had me there.” I shook my head and he smiled. “You are such an ass!” I pushed from the hut and sucked in the cool air outside.
The day was fading into night. I sat on the edge of the well, alone in the twilight and thought. What could he want? What was he doing here? He was Satan! He had power, far more than any Madea! He was going to be Mariee’s mate. What kind of power would that have given him?
“She mourned for me.” I jumped at the sound of his voice. “She always knew that I was not who I claimed, yet she lied to herself for a long time, a great thing for a Madea. I was proud of that.” He laughed mirthlessly, “If a great and noble creature like her could deny the truth for selfish reasons, than I thought she was as good as corrupted. I was ready to snatch her up when the men came to take her people away.” He stared off into space. “I didn’t care what became of the others, they could have all been enslaved, murdered, whatever. As long as I had Mariee.” He looked at me and took a deep breath. “But then I realized that indeed she would have been corrupted and I wanted her pure, at least for a time.” He took my face in his hands, “You understand me?” He searched my eyes, “This is important, Grace, don’t forget. I wanted her to flee with me. I didn’t want her dead, Oh, no. The horrors of Hell would have snuffed the glow from her flesh with the first tortured wail.” He turned his eyes away. “Hell has no light. No untainted flesh. The sweet song of the angels can never dwell there. It is all the same. The souls of the damned are all the same. Different shapes and sizes but the same.”
He moved away. I watched him, slowly coming to understand what his problem was. He was evil, yet he longed to be near someone good. He was in a bad spot; if someone good knowingly falls for the devil then they are no longer good, which will land you in Hell anyway. But, a Madea was stronger than that; they lack the humanity that so often fails those who are corrupted. A Madea could spend time in Hell and never be tainted. That is, if they chose to for pure reasons.
“So,” I stood up. “You want a willing Madea, a female I presume, and to keep you company in Hell. Like a pretty bouquet of nice smelling flowers to brighten your day?”
“You have a very strange view of the world, Grace, but that is about the sum of it.”
We began walking slowly, “So, you never tried to sleep with her? You never once wanted to feel her in your bed?” I was curious and I figured he being who he was, embarrassment was a non issue.
He laughed. “She was a beautiful creature make no mistake.” He winked and I rolled
my eyes. “There wasn’t a moment in her presence that I didn’t want to spread her thighs, but that was not my first goal. She had to agree.”
“Ahh.” His answer was no answer at all and I shrugged and turned to walk on. He grabbed my arm, halting my steps. “Times were different for me then. I had my fill of women, good and damned alike. It never means a thing. I have spent centuries de-flowering virgins and then smiling as they were sacrificed to false gods.”
I gawked. “I’m sorry, you what?”
He grabbed my clothing in a fist and leaned in close, “Grace, you stupid fucking woman! Who do you think you are playing with? Who do you think stands before you? I AM LUCIFER! MY COCK SWAM WITH VIRGIN BLOOD FOR A THOUSAND YEARS!” he was roaring at me, my face was hot with his breath as I staggered backward. My back met the rim of the well and I braced myself at the edge. This was madness. I'd had enough. I had no illusions about who he was, but I also knew that he wanted things from me, which made me a little more important.
I was angry. I felt my power build. My skin burned bright white and he froze, a look of confusion drawing his brows together.
“What are you trying, Little Madea?” He laughed at me.
I was tired of him. He was the worst possible creature to be around and it took all I had not to truly piss him off every second we were together, but something in me had snapped. “You need to cool off.” I shouted into his cocky face. A second later my power had him up in the air and into the cold depths of the well.
I jumped back as a flood of water spilled over the edge of the stone walls and then I leaned over the side to look down at my handy work, “So, how’s the cock now?” I giggled at his astounded expression. He was angry, but nothing like I’d imagined he would be. I think tossing him around had reminded him that I was no one to drop your guard around.
“Don't you ever do anything like that again!” He appeared in front of me a moment later, perfectly dry and none the worse for wear.
“Oh, you are such a baby.” I laughed and ran past him. “Come on Big Bad, where to next?”