This Curse: (The Grace Allen Series Book 2 Paranormal Romance) Page 15
He stopped and looked at me for a long while as I bounced around on my feet and laughed at him.
“You are nothing like Mariee,” he said, moving passed me.
“Well la-di-da for Mariee!” I mumbled as I ran to catch up.
The ground rumbled with the sound of thundering hooves. The horses were near. Screams filled the air as dozens of Madea ran from their huts, scattering dust in filthy clouds as they fled to a larger stone building at the top of the hill. Mariee ran from hut to hut, yelling orders and yanking her people to their feet. Man was hunting them and they still wouldn’t strike them down with magic or use it to save themselves.
I was trembling all over as the first soldier rounded the huts at a maniacal clip. He wore gold armor. His stallion was enormous, white, and frothing with exhaustion. He flew past us so quickly I almost didn’t catch the glint of blonde hair that escaped his helmet.
I turned. “You?”
He shrugged and grabbed my arm transporting us directly into the middle of the chaos. We were inside the stone building. Panicked murmurs filled the room as Mariee tried to gather her people close. The building rocked and shuddered as the men fought to break their way in. I watched in horror as they set the outer wall on fire and began to ram the stone structure with massive logs.
Fear gripped me and I spun, burying my face in the coarse fabric of Lucifer’s tunic. Screams echoed off the walls as the building shook and rumbled. I closed my eyes and grabbed the fabric of his tunic in my fists. The horror around me couldn’t be stopped and it couldn’t be changed. I felt helpless. I looked up. He was smiling down at me and I jerked back in horror at what I was doing.
“Please?” I heard Lucifer’s voice cry out and I spun to see Lucifer from the past stride past us, falling to one knee in front of Mariee.
“Please, my lady! I will protect you,” he pleaded, “I promise you will leave this place alive!”
She looked at him, tears filled her eyes, and she quickly wiped them away. “You have deceived me. I should never have given you my love. You will never have my soul; you will never be my mate.”
Lucifer visibly sank with her words. Clearly, that was a big deal. I had no idea what it meant.
Lucifer stood gesturing wildly, “These men will kill you when you refuse them!” he snarled, “Do you wish to see your sisters cut down? Raped and ravaged?”
She looked at him, her eyes flashing with anger; “You will not speak to me of these things when it has become clear to me that you are the engineer of our fate! You poisoned my mind with lies, but now the veil of my love has been lifted! Now I know. You lied to buy my love and for a time you succeeded, for my heart had truly been yours. But you cannot love, so you could not accept all the gifts I have to give. My heart was once yours for the taking but your darkness could not see.”
She stood and walked to the center of the room. The rest of her people formed a tight circle around her as Lucifer was pushed out of the way. She turned her back to him and began chanting, her melodious voice rising above the sounds of the battering rams outside. The Madea joined in and I felt my blood race. Dizziness swept over me as their song continued.
Mariee lifted her arms and her voice rang out. I swayed, losing my balance I reached out blindly. A firm hand wrapped around my arm, steadying me. I was ready to scream, I couldn’t believe that I was witnessing this. I was here!
While still in my cloud of wonder, Lucifer from the past pushed and shoved his way to the center of the multitude. He gripped Mariee’s arms and spun her violently, screaming into her face. It was useless, I watched in stunned silence as the look of pure panic washed over his face. He pleaded with her, all the while, she chanted, her eyes unseeing. He dropped his hands to his sides and then the chanting stopped.
The Madea were gone.
Lucifer fell to his knees and roared with rage.
His angered cries filled the cavernous room as he screamed out his fury. Then I heard it. A tiny sound that should have been much too small to hear; a sound, like a bell, it rang out clear and true. I stared in stunned silence as the ring that had changed my life bounced onto the stone floor then rolled to a stop at Lucifer’s feet.
I held my breath, watching as he picked it up. Memories flooded my mind. Finding the ring in the gutter, selling it, only to have it come back to me courtesy of Seth. Only then, the shit head had used it to kidnap me and my friends. On top of that, he used it to force my feelings for him, or should I say for his body to the surface. God, thanks to that ring, I’d had sex with Seth more ways than were legal. Why was I saving him, again?
I shook myself out of my walk down memory lane and watched Lucifer examine the ring. Then he stood, holding the ring in his palm. I frowned, wondering what he was thinking and then he looked up and stared directly into my eyes.
I felt the blood drain from my face as his eyes bored into mine.
I turned to look at Lucifer from my time. He was watching his past self stare intently at me. Then he smiled and looked at me as well, a kind of euphoric joy filled his eyes, and I began to shake. Lucifer from the past smiled at me as well and then the ring disappeared from his hand.
We were sucked from the room, tossed hard onto the floor of a filthy lab in Hell.
“Well now, that was enlightening.” He stood up; dusting his clothing off he frowned at a small tear in his shirt. “I must say that after so much time, my memory is getting spotty.” He chuckled at himself as if he were just another old man dealing with the hassles of growing old, not a sinfully seductive fallen angel with the body of a god.
I struggled to stand, taming my hair and skin with my everyday glamour. I glared at The Devil, daring him to strip it away again.
Ignoring me, he rubbed his hands together. “So, they empowered the ring and sent it on its way where it hid for centuries waiting for you,” He looked at me, “My Mariee.”
“Oh, hold on, pal” I held up my hands, “I’m not Mariee. I’m Grace. Remember?” I turned in a circle, noticing that everyone was still as they had been before we left.
“Are you so certain? Mariee is part of you. And now, all the beauty and integrity that was hers is yours, along with much more strength and fire. You were meant to be mine.”
“Don’t you learn?” I screeched. “You can’t mean what you’re saying. You said so before that you didn’t want that type of relationship. If I fell for you, I’d be a lost soul. Hello, that would defeat your purpose a little, I think!”
He smiled. “No, you silly woman. You see, I fully intend to fall in love with you first.”
I goggled at him. I couldn’t even process his words. “Have you gone mad? Evil has crept into your brain and dissolved it.”
“You must agree to stay. If you stay with me; if you surround me with your light, your pure Madea soul, then I could start to fall in love.”
I looked at him and frowned. “You really don’t expect me to give in, do you?” I walked over to Lucian and picked up his limp hand. “You are so far gone that any concept of love is impossible for you. The fact that you even want it is baffling.” I pulled a sticky clump of Lucian’s hair from his cheek; his skin was red where the hair had been stuck. I sucked in the air from my nose and slowly began to pick the bits of dried blood off of his face; gently sweeping the flaking bits away, all the while trying to hold back my tears.
“You could teach me.” I saw his booted feet, as he stood close. “I see it now, as inexplicable as it is, I can see it. Maybe one day, with your help I could come to understand it.”
“You killed my friends.” I sniffed as my efforts to staunch the flow of tears failed. They broke free in a flood, blurring my vision. I could barely make out the figure of Seth across the room or even Jamie, still lying nude on the floor. This was a horror I never could have imagined. “You know nothing.” I hissed. “Helping someone with no chance of repayment or recognition is beyond you! Doing what is right is not what you do. You are evil personified.” I sobbed. �
�You promised to fix them.” Miserable and defeated I fell onto Lucian’s cold chest. I let my tears flow freely as I hugged his still form. His chest was cold and empty. I had lost him. The devil had played a game that none of us would win.
“Yeah?” I sniffed, froze, and then sat up slowly.
“Gracie, babe, are you alright?”
His skin was golden and vibrant; his hair was clean and free of blood. He looked warm and alive and his smile went all the way to his eyes.
“Oomph” he fell to the ground as I tackled him.
“Lucian!” My voice was so high I hurt my own ears. “Oh my God, Lucian! You’re back! I pulled away and stared into his eyes. “Oh, oh, say something!” I demanded, practically crawling into his lap.
“Um… I’m starving?” He laughed, and it sounded confused and unsure.
“This is a fine thing.” Seth drawled from behind us and I spun, jumping from Lucian’s lap, I threw my arms around Seth and squeezed as tightly as I could.
“Ah, Sweet. What a tease you are. I suppose you are pleased with yourself. Tell me, how did you do it?”
I spun around, realizing for the first time that we were all alone. Lucifer had disappeared. “I don’t really know,” I confessed. “I’d honestly lost all hope!”
“Am I still out of it? Grace, why the hell are you hugging the vampire?” Lucian slowly got to his feet and stepped closer to Seth. His chin was thrust forward as he eyed the vampire. I just beamed at them like an idiot. I didn’t care if they rolled on the ground scratching each other’s eyes out. They were alive and Lucian was himself again!
“Yolanda?” I heard Jamie’s small voice whisper from the corner. I was so elated to hear her that I ran, ignoring Seth and Lucian’s heated exchange. I knew it wouldn’t get too bad. Lucian was not Seth’s favorite person, but he was fully aware that I would kill him if he hurt one hair on Lucian’s head. The man had no idea what had happened. Seth knew that and had better keep it in mind.
I conjured clothes for Jamie as I approached. The poor thing was standing among her tattered cloak as naked as the day she was born. She still looked so frail and sort of stumbled forward when the clothing appeared on her body. What happened?” She tried to look around me and I stepped into the path blocking her view. “I feel like I’ve been hit with a brick. Oh man,” she whined and rubbed her head. “Where are the bad guys? What are we going to do?”
I smiled at her and hugged her tight. “Prepare yourself. Okay?” I warned unable to stifle my huge smile
“What now?” Her brows lowered and she eyed me warily.
“It’s okay, James. The Devil isn’t here.” At her frown, I stepped to the side, allowing her to see past me. She cringed back; clearly, she thought Lucian was still possessed. Then she slowly moved forward and tilted her head to the side. Her eyes widened and tears filled her eyes, spilling down her smiling face.
“Luc?” She whispered and Lucian’s head whipped around.
He stood frozen for several seconds. “Jamie?” His voice cracked and he took a step toward her. “My God, Jamie, is that really you?” He walked slowly toward her. “How?” He looked at me then back at her, his eyes filled with tears “How is it that you’re alive?”
“It’s a long story, Lucian, we’ll tell you all about it later, okay?” I laughed, sniffing back my own tears. I backed up, giving them some room and ran into Seth as he came up behind me.
How long till your little golden boy realizes we’re in Hell? Seth’s smug voice filled my mind. How quickly will he crack do you think?
I elbowed him. Let him have some time with his sister and then we’ll tell him where we are, don’t be an ass.
HIS SISTER? Seth spun me around. “The demon had him torturing his sister?” Seth yelled.
“Oh, great, big mouth!” I shouted as Lucian turned stunned eyes toward us. He was in the middle of a very long hug with Jamie and he sort of bent her to the side as he turned to look at us.
“Someone had better start explaining!” He leveled a look at all of us, “Where the hell are we anyway?” He had Jamie in a strong armed hold and she was eating it up.
“Well, my ignorant friend,” Seth began, “We’re buried neck deep in the burning inferno of Hell. Thanks for that, by the way.”
“Damn it Seth, show some class!” I shoved him out of the way. “He wasn’t himself, was he?” The last thing Lucian needed was a reason to blame himself. I stepped further away from Seth and shook my head, annoyed.
“What is the last thing you remember, Lucian?” I asked as calmly as I could.
“Well,” his brows drew together. “You’d just taken off into the desert.” He looked down, clearly struggling to remember. “I was trying to get Lydia to go home. She was pretty excited to help you out; she’s a good kid. ” He smiled and then his skin went pale and he looked at me.
I already had a pretty good idea what must have happened and I tried to curb the shitty feelings brewing just under the surface. Lydia was a bitch-whore of a demon that had used Lucian. She had sex with his body and used him to torture his own sister. Lydia knew that Voltaire was squatting in Lucian’s skin, which made the idea that she still slept with him even more reprehensible. Demon, I reminded myself as I looked at Lucian. He was hopelessly unaware of the horror met out by another in his skin. The knowledge of what must have gone on this entire time would undoubtedly break a man like Lucian.
“Wait.” Lucian was still working it out as we all stood and waited for him to piece it together. “Lydia?” He frowned. “No. Oh, no. She hit me!” He stepped away from Jamie and turned in a circle. “Shit!” he yelled. “She joined Voltaire and attacked me. Grace? I don’t remember anything after the attack.” He gripped my hands. “Oh, Lord, what have I done?” He searched my eyes. “Did I bring you to Hell?” His eyes were panicked and he began to visibly shake.
Jamie went to him and wrapped her arms around him tightly. It was all I could do not to push her away and take him into my own arms. He was losing it.
I looked down at my wrist. The bracelet was still there and then I noticed something else, smiling to myself, I shook my head. I was wearing the same simple white dress that the ancient Madea wore. I sighed, seeing the ancient garment reminded me of who I was and what needed to be done, I took off the bracelet and handed it to Seth.
“Grace, what are you up to?” Jamie looked at her arm. “Why did you take yours off?”
I reached for her. Taking her hand, I smiled. “Get your brother home, James. Seth will protect you once you’re there.” I looked at Seth and then back at Jamie. “Please, just get home and ward the house. We still have a pissed off werewolf pack out there and Lydia is MIA. Plus, there are still a few pints of missing Madea blood to account for. We’re not out of the woods yet.”
When it looked like I was about to have a war on my hands, I went to Seth and opened the gold shield on the bracelet. He frowned when I took his other hand and touched it to the stone. He looked at me, ready to protest but he was gone before a single sound could leave his lips.
“Touch the stone James.” I gave her a small smile. “You and your brother get out of here.”
She looked at Lucian’s miserable face. He was frowning at the both of us. “Why would you stay behind?”
“I haven’t finished here and I think if I try to leave now, things could get really ugly. I can’t risk you guys. Please, just trust me, okay?” I willed them to listen. Not with power but with hope.
“I trust you, Gracie.” She opened the cover on the golden bangle and inhaled a huge breath.
“Wait. Are you kidding?” Lucian yelled and tried to push Jamie away. “We’re not leaving you!”
Jamie grabbed his arm and a moment later, they were gone. I was alone.
Or so I thought.
“You remain uncorrupted.” Lucifer appeared out of the shadows, his long silhouette striking an elegant pose. “You allowed them leave without you, taking you
r only means of escape with them?” A sculpted brow rose and he stepped deeper into the room; my eyes followed his every move. “You do not wish to be here, nor do you wish to lay with me?” He watched my face closely, as if I would reveal some hidden lust. I smirked. His hair was short again and he was dressed impeccably, like a relaxed James Bond. Sexy and chic. His smile oozed seductive charm. His tattoos peeked out here and there, inviting my eyes to linger, to ponder the naked skin beneath.
He was very good at what he did.
I shook my head. “I’d be lying if I said you weren’t awful nice to look at, but then so are wolves and hungry tigers but you won’t find me snuggling with any of those either.”
He laughed loudly, his neck sweeping back. “Oh, I know you will be good for me.” He held out his hand. “Darling, Hell can be anything you wish it to be; I will give you all I am.”
I felt my stomach plummet to my shoes as he reached for me. At his touch, the scenery changed and torches suddenly surrounded me. Shock slammed me as I took in my new surroundings. He had transported us in less than a blink. I put my hand to my chest and goggled. The cavernous room was filled with stalactites and stalagmites. Like giant teeth, the room seemed poised to chew us up.
I sat down hard. Fear and suspicion left my knees weak as I glanced around the room.
“You shine like a star in my world of darkness.”
I turned to see him sitting beside me on a throne of gold and bone. Dread welled up inside me as I looked in horror at the throne. It was the one in from my vision. I jerked my eyes to my own elaborate chair and I felt my heart skip a beat as my vision came rushing back.
I was too stupid to live.
“You knew about me all along?” I sighed, my head in my hands.
“I did.”
“You put Voltaire up to it?”
“I did.”
“It was all you?” I frowned; begging him with my eyes to tell me it wasn’t true. I wasn’t about to pay for my ignorance and stupidity.