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Paranormally Yours: A Boxed Set Page 4

  My mind was panicking and while I struggled with what this might mean, Nadia was giving me directions to my job, in case I got lost. She said she would let Seth know that I called and would join him and then she promptly thanked me for calling and hung up before I could voice a single protest.

  I stared at the phone in my hand, and then tried several times to fit it into the cradle. Cripes! I had another set of shitty options presented to me in another shitty situation. I could go to work as my normal self and possibly risk my job, which didn’t seem all that intelligent; or I could go in my everyday work wear and just say screw it. The sad fact was that no matter what I wore, I was going to look like a total lying dip-shit, which I guess I was.

  I heaved a frustrated sigh and pulled the towel from my long hair. It spilled down my back in a wet tangle as I walked to my bedroom. I felt chilled as the wet tips brushed the curve of my butt.

  I dressed, shaking my ample breasts into my favorite purple bra and then I slipped into a pair of zebra-striped panties. The look left something to be desired, but I was staying in until I had to go to work. I may not have fully believed Lucian and his freak-o fairy tale, but I’m a cautious person. So, I popped some more popcorn and made myself a little bed on the couch. I thought for a moment and then got up and unplugged the phone.

  I was enjoying the last episode of The Fright Fest marathon, in between catnaps and trying not to continuously look at the clock when I finally gave up. Shutting off the television, I stood, resolved to don my everyday work wear and to hell with Seth. He could just admit he knows it’s me, or not. I was not going to stress about it anymore.


  The parking lot was almost full as I pulled into my favorite spot under the security lights. I locked the door and went in through the back. I laid my purse on a chair by the ice machine without a care. No one ever went back there so I didn’t worry about it getting stolen. Besides, all I carried in it were my keys, ID and emergency bus money. I never brought anything of real value with me, it just made life easier.

  The bar was average for the weekend. The air was filled with a mixture of musty bodies, smoke and laughter. Harsh music pumped on the speakers as Debbie flirted with a man who could double for Santa Claus. That is, if Santa wore a beat-up leather vest with “Dog meat” sewn on the chest and had his eyebrow pierced. I hoped she was just bucking for a better tip, otherwise… yuck.

  I settled behind the bar, noticing immediately that Seth was nowhere to be seen. I sighed with relief. Maybe I didn’t need to worry after all.

  Soon I was fully into the rhythm of the job. Bloody Mary extra spicy, martinis, the occasional shot of Jack, but mostly it was beer, beer and more beer.

  I was in the middle of filling a shaker glass with ice when a chill raced down my spine. I slowly turned to face the crowd, my eyes sliding automatically to a flash of long, panther-black hair.


  I blew out my breath in a slow exhale that puffed my cheeks. My eyes drank him in as he made his way to the end of the bar. His movements were smooth and graceful. Weaving through the crowd, he looked like a man on a mission.

  He was breathtaking. His incredibly long hair was pulled back and he wore a dark blue shirt. It clung to his powerful chest making him look elegant and dangerous at the same time. As he moved I was glad that the rest of him was blessedly hidden from my sight. I didn’t think I could take all of him in at once.

  I turned, trembling. The sinking feeling of anxiety and way too much lust was rapidly taking over. I sucked in a huge breath and finished shaking the martini. Pouring it into one of our more sexy glasses, I placed it in front of an attractive middle-aged woman with short, spiky hair. She was blushing and smiling at a much younger man. He was handsome and from the look in his eyes, he knew he would get lucky tonight. She giggled like a little girl while pulling a fifty out of her small purse to hand to me.

  “Keep it.” she purred.

  I stared mutely at the fifty. Damn. I hate karma. I leaned forward. “Uh,” I began as the woman scooted to the edge of her seat. Any closer to him and she’d fall off. I leaned forward a little more and asked, “I’m sorry, but are you aware you just handed me a fifty?” She shot an irritated glance in my direction. Well okay, that was all I needed to clear my conscience. I guess I was getting lucky tonight too.

  I turned to spy on Seth only to see the back of Debbie’s crunchy hair. She was leaning on the bar, her butt sticking out. Her breasts would be spilling onto the dull wood and Seth would be treated to a nice whiff of her seventies era perfume and the five dozen cigarettes she’d smoked this evening. Damn. I couldn’t believe her. Not only for the too small halter dress she had miraculously squeezed her butt into, but the horny woman was working my station. I was annoyed, but then again, if I was honest, I was also a little relieved. I had pretty much decided from the second my body reacted to the sight of him, that I would not be approaching him tonight. Ignoring him was the only possible solution.

  I smiled and a small laugh escaped. If Seth was really the bad guy that Lucian claimed he was, then he deserved a night of Debbie and her ruthless flirting.

  The night progressed at a steady pace. Debbie seemed quite content to work my side of the bar, ogling Seth at every opportunity. After a long time, she finally sauntered over. I could almost feel her smugness. She thought she snagged a prize, and I had to admit if I was her and Seth paid me any attention, I’d be feeling a little smug as well. She stood beside me, her large hoop earrings touched my shoulder as she leaned in to whisper in my ear, “Don’t you go gettin’ any ideas, Gracie.” I frowned as she nodded toward Seth. Yeah, like I’d suddenly been stricken blind. “He’s mine. I saw him first,” she smiled and I cringed at the yellow stains on her big teeth.

  “It’s fine Debbie. If he’s interested in you, I sure won’t ruin it.”

  “Like you could,” she sneered and flipped a piece of my black wig with her coral tipped finger. It slapped my chin and I glared, shaking my head as she strolled back the way she’d came. If she was really hitting it off with him, then he wasn’t the kind of man I wanted anyway.

  I felt sick all of a sudden. I couldn’t help it, I looked at him.

  He was already looking at me. Staring in a way that said, I know who you are little girl and I play games better than you do. I sucked in a breath. He looked dangerous and wild. His eyes searched mine, as if he were daring me to look away. I jerked, sloshing the beer I was about to serve onto the floor. Gulping, I thought I saw a small smile curve his full lips, but it was gone as quickly as it came.

  Debbie was chattering away as he blatantly ignored her, his icy eyes were locked onto mine. I was chilled and sweating at the same time and then, as if noticing a fly buzzing, he turned those cool eyes to her and whispered something I couldn’t make out.

  Uh oh, I almost laughed as she spun away, her face flaming red. Obviously irritated, she stalked toward me. I tried to keep my pleasure at her failure at bay, but it was just too good not to enjoy.

  “He’s gay.” The look in her eyes said she knew better. I kept my mouth shut as she passed me by. I thought a little better of him for not falling for her feminine wiles. He wasn’t here for her.

  I snuck another quick glance at him, noticing that his drink was again untouched. Didn’t that man ever get thirsty? I walked a little closer to collect my tips and wipe the empty areas down. As I neared him, I got that funny feeling again. This time the tingle went straight to my head. I shivered and without looking at him, I moved down the bar, I would hustle booze to safer souls. His drink would probably stay full. I wouldn’t need to visit him. My possible tip just wasn’t worth it.

  The night picked up as the weekend crowd got heavier. A few fraternities stopped by on the party chain, thankfully, without incident as well as a bachelorette party with your typical beautiful bride-to-be and her horde of cackling bridesmaids. I always steer clear of the bachelorette parties. Too much drama and estrogen, even for me.

  It was abo
ut three AM when the crowds began to trickle out. When the last group staggered for the door, Debbie followed and rapidly flipped the locks behind them.

  I grabbed a washcloth and cleanser and began to scrub every surface available. Debbie collected the glasses and ashtrays and swept the floor. The cleaning crew would be by later to get the rest. Our owner liked to professionally disinfect only once every couple of weeks. We had to do it the rest of the time.

  After we finished, I grabbed my purse off the chair, only then realizing I never saw Seth leave. I looked out at the dark bar as if he would still be sitting on the stool. I wondered how long he’d waited.

  “Ready?” Debbie sighed in a weary voice. “Let’s get our butts on the road.” She placed a hand on her back and rubbed as she walked. “I’m dead tired,” she continued.

  I followed close behind her. “Well, at least now you can get some rest,” I offered to her retreating back as she unlocked her car door. Nodding, she got in and slammed the door. Her engine roared to life and she sped out of the drive. I barely had time to wave goodbye to her fading taillights.

  I hated when she did that. Nights like these, I always waited for her just to make sure she got her car started. As awful as she was, I didn’t want anything to happen to her. She was obviously less concerned with my wellbeing. I sighed, my head hurt and my neck felt like a spring, twisted too tightly. I walked slowly to my car, my feet heavy. Damn, I really needed to reconsider my choice of footwear. I was so tired, both mentally and physically and I needed a bath and a bed.

  I got into my car and turned the key.


  “Oh, man, no, no, no,” I chanted as I turned the key over and over, “Do not do this!” I yelled, “No, no, no! Come on!” I turned it again. All I got was an empty click, click, click and then, silence.


  I had a bad feeling that my car would never start again. I usually get a few whines and sputtering sounds, never complete silence.

  This was bad. I hated to admit it, but I knew my car’s death was now permanent.

  “Can’t I catch a goddamned break?” I yelled to the empty parking lot and slammed my fists onto the steering wheel. Throwing the door open, I stumbled out on exhausted legs and slammed the heavy door shut with as much force as I could muster, which, at this time of day, wasn’t much. I knew this would happen, but this thing was a tank. I figured I had a few years at least. A whole lot of good that money was doing sitting in the bank, while I’m sitting on my ass. I should have bought a new car ages ago.

  Thoroughly disgusted with myself and the heap of shit sitting uselessly in front of me, I kicked the door. I was exhausted. My feet weighed a ton and I really didn’t want to hike all the way to the bus stop and wait forever, not tonight! I was seconds from tears.

  I turned, ready to trudge to my fate when I was immediately clotheslined by a muscular arm. Confusion and shock blinded me to the fact that the arm was closing off my air. I tried to suck in a breath. I struggled and kicked wildly, while warring with my mounting terror. The arm squeezed tighter. Plainly I wasn’t supposed to breathe! I thrashed, and twisted, sending my purse to the asphalt. Before he could restrain my arms, I tried to scratch and grab at any part of him I could reach. His grip was like a python.

  My brain was spiraling into hysteria. When they say your life flashes in front of your eyes, they aren’t exaggerating. My struggles seemed to go on forever when an idea shot into my brain like gunfire. I made a choking sound and started to relax, pretending to faint. I was hoping this thug would then loosen his grip allowing me to make a break for it. I thought it was actually working when he started to shift a little, but I soon realized my victory was short-lived. A smelly cloth was brutally pressed over my mouth and nose, and for the second time in as many days, someone turned my lights out.


  Darkness is never more complete than when it’s accompanied by fear. It enveloped me, wrapping itself around me like a suffocating glove.

  I was petrified. This was pure blackness. For a few full minutes, I could have sworn I was blind, but somehow I knew it wasn’t my vision. I tried to sit up and noticed my hands were bound over my head and I was lying on a bed.

  Panic, like ice water, shot through my body. I gathered my thoughts and tried to calm down. My legs were free, but without the use of my hands, I was still pretty helpless. I stretched my left leg to the side as far as I could, but it never reached the edge. The movement caused my dress to ride up my thighs. The feeling of the fabric was wrong.

  “Oh, God,” I whimpered, as I wiggled and discovered that the dress I was wearing, was not the one I put on earlier. What the hell had happened to me? Fear brought tears to my eyes. My head sagged onto my shoulder. It was then that I discovered I was clean. The bar stink was gone. My hair had been taken down and was now draped, soft and heavy on my right shoulder.

  I sniffed. A strange scent filled my nostrils. It was spicy, like incense, but better. It was coming from me. I shook my head. What kind of kidnapper bathed a person and then sprayed them with perfume? My mind was racing. Every horrible scenario hit me all at once.

  Oh God. I had to get out of here! I pulled and twisted on the ropes as hard as I could. I concentrated on yanking with all I had, over and over. Pain turned to agony as I pulled and twisted. My shoulders shook as my sobs took over. My efforts to ignore the pain were pointless. After several long minutes, I realized it was no use. Whoever tied these knots, knew what they were doing. My wrists were on fire. I’d rubbed them raw.

  Panic was getting me nowhere fast. Tears ran freely from my eyes as I tried to orient myself. I listened, but there was nothing, like the room was soundproof. I couldn’t even hear crickets outside or the hum of a furnace. Nothing.

  I couldn’t give up. I was not a freaking victim. I yanked and twisted again, frenzied, twisting and pulling over and over. Then, I froze. I felt several warm trickles flow down my arms. I’d begun to bleed. This just got better and better.

  The ropes burned my torn flesh and I tried not to move as I thought out how I could escape. I had to get the hell out of here. Then, just as visions of a trapped wolf, chewing off his own leg slipped into my head, I heard the door open. The light level remained the same.

  Whoever it was struck a match and touched it expertly to a lamp by the door.

  “This soft light will help you adjust to the more harsh luminosity in a moment.” That voice was awfully familiar! Alarm bells sounded like sirens in my head and all of Lucian’s warnings came screaming back to me in a rush of blind fury.


  Son-of-a-bitch, Seth!

  I was fuming. Rage quickly took the place of fear with the realization that this cocky bastard had the balls to snatch me.

  The brightness increased as he lit several more lamps in the room. It seemed this place lacked standard electricity. My eyes reluctantly adjusted to the glow.

  I pushed the pain in my wrists to the back of my mind. I wasn’t giving him the satisfaction of seeing it. I tried to fill my eyes with all the anger and fury I could, letting him know right away just how totally pissed off I was.

  He finished practically setting the room on fire and turned to me. Damn, it was amazing. Even filled with such total fury, I still had to catch my breath at the sight of him. He was remarkable. The shirt he wore at the bar was gone, replaced with a much richer looking version in dark blue silk. My heart rate sped up. Damn-it!

  I watched him as his eyes scanned my body. His nostrils flared as he pulled the air in from his nose. He took a step toward the bed.

  “You are even more beautiful than I imagined,” he spoke softly, his tone a sharp contrast to his hands which revealed his tension as he balled them into fists over and over at his sides. “I was quite eager to get you out of that ridiculous costume you seem so fond of.” He took another small step closer, focusing his eyes on my wrists. “You have injured yourself. What were you thinking?”

  My jaw dropped. Did he really believe t
hat I would just lie here like a wimpy damsel in distress? I was insulted. If he assumed I was that weak, he had another thing coming. “Are you insane?” I shrieked. “I was kidnapped, you ass! I wanted to get away. How was I to know you were behind this stupidity? Couldn’t you just approach me like a normal person? My God, what is wrong with you?” I immediately realized how silly I must look. I was chewing him out, my mouth running away with me, yet I was curled into a little ball, pressed close to the headboard. I straighten my legs out to convince him I wasn’t as scared as he wanted me to be.

  I was tied to a huge bed. Soft sheets, as black as the room were twisted around my legs. A black coverlet was folded at the foot of the bed some inches from my feet. Just as I had feared, my old clothing was gone, replaced with a much softer and much nicer black slip. “Who bathed me, by the way?” I demanded harshly. “Was it you?”

  He smiled, “No, Grace. I’m not that crass. Although, I must admit, seeing the result makes me wish I was.” I could feel heat rush to my cheeks. He was looking at me like a wolf that had just spotted a fluffy bunny. “My assistant was kind enough to tend to you,” he continued.

  “That still doesn’t make it okay.” I grumbled and looked around the room. It was straight out of a romance novel, complete with a canopy bed dressed with long black curtains that hung down on all four sides. I glared at him and realized that I really wasn’t scared anymore. Well, not much anyway. He would soon learn that I would not be cooperating.

  I glared at him and an elegant eyebrow rose and he regarded me for a moment, then he smiled. The effect chilled me. “First, Miss Allen,” he began, stepping closer to the bed. “I am perfectly aware that you had absolutely no intention of meeting with me.” His lip curled as he sneered. “I am also aware of your little meeting with Lucian. Hear me now, Sweet,” he placed his balled fists onto the bed and leaned closer, “as I will only say this once.” I couldn’t look away from his penetrating stare, his cool eyes blazed. “Nothing, Lucian could have done would have kept me away from you and nothing he will ever do can take you away from me.” He straightened and then frowned, folding his arms with a look that warned me not to argue.